
Club Constitution


1.             NAME

The Club shall be called O'Connell's GFC and hereinafter referred to as 'the Club'.

2.             OBJECTIVE

The object of the Club shall be the promotion of the aims of Cumann Luthcleas Gael as outlined in its charter and general rules and the membership and resources of the Club shall be utilized for and dedicated solely to those aims.​

3.            COLOURS

The colours of the Club shall be maroon and white.

 4.             STRUCTURE

The Club shall be under the sole management of the committee elected at the Annual General Meeting which shall be held each year, at least 10 days before the Annual County Convention, or in December, whichever is earlier. NOTE – wherever this meeting takes place, there will be no alcohol allowed into the meeting room; and any-one deemed to be under the influence of alcohol, in the Chairman's opinion, will be asked to leave the room and have no further involvement in the meeting.​

  1.     MEMBERS
    The members of the Club must elect the following positions at the Annual General Meeting:
    1. Chairman
    2. Vice Chairman
    3. Hon. Secretary
    4. Assistant Hon. Secretary
    5. Hon. Treasurer
    6. Assistant Hon. Treasurer
    7. Public Relations Officer
    8. Childrens Officer
    9. Óg Sport Officer.
    10. Wellbeing Officer.
    11. Cultural and Irish Officer
    12. Coaching and Development Officer.
    13. Committee members, consisting of any number.
    14. County Board Delegate (must be a member of the Management Committee/Officers).
    15. A ladies Committee can be formed if desired; but this committee is separate from the management committee and is answerable to same.
    16. This overall structure shall be called the Management Committee and hereinafter referred to by the same name. No person shall hold two positions on the Management Committee except in the case of County Board Delegate and Well Being Officer.
    17. The Manager / Selection Committee for all adult teams will also be elected at the A.G.M. their term of office being 12 months. If there are any resignations etc. from these positions during the term of office, his/her replacement will be left to the decision of the Management Committee.
    18. If a Manager / Selection Committee format is decided upon but no suitable candidate(s) on the night can be found to commit themselves to filling this format; the membership should empower the Management Committee or some similar body of the membership to canvass and appoint suitable candidates to fill the said format, no later than the middle of the following January.​ 

    1. Membership shall be open to both males and females over 16 years of age.
    2. All adult members shall be obliged to pay an annual subscription of €X.
    3. Members between the ages of 16 and 18yrs and Senior Citizens shall pay €X. This is to be decided at the AGM prior to year commencing.
    4. All membership fees to be renewed on the 1st day of April each year.
    5. There shall be no pro-rata fees accepted. This means if you join the club 6 months into the year you do not pay half the subscription. The full subscription is required and terminated at the end of March like all other members.
    6. When paying your membership you will be given a card signed by the Club Secretary stating that you are now a member of O'Connell's GFC.
    7. Membership fees shall be paid to the club's Hon. Treasurer who will keep a record as to who are members of the club and when they joined.
    8. Any person wishing to become a member of the Club must be proposed by a member of the Club. The Management Committee alone shall decide whether applicants for membership will, or will not, are admitted.
    9. Only members shall be entitled to propose or to vote at a meeting, Annual or otherwise, provided they have completed 6 months continuous membership.
    10. No person shall be eligible to be nominated for any office in the club nor shall he/she hold any office in the Club until he/she has been a member for 12 continuous months.
    11. Honorary Presidents are automatically members and are not compelled to pay membership fees.
    12. Each member shall be deemed, on becoming a member, to have full notice of the rule and constitution of the club and to familiarize themselves therewith in all respect.
    13. Any member, whose actions are, in the opinion of the management committee, prejudicial to the interest of the club, can be expelled or suspended from the club by the management committee. This member has the right to appeal to either the management committee or a special general Meeting if this suspension or expulsion is brought to the attention of the county committee by the club and that body, having considered the merits of the member, imposes a suspension. The member continues to be a legal member of the association and is merely suspended from club activities.
    14. Players may not necessarily be members but are strongly advised and recommended to do so. However, they will come under the jurisdiction of the management committee if, in the opinion of the said committee, his/her actions are prejudicial to the interest of the club.

7.                   HONARARY PRESIDENTS

 This position shall be open to all persons who have rendered exceptional service to the club to the game. They are elected at an Annual General Meeting and are elected for life. However, at any time they can, if they so wish, terminate the title i.e. (if they wish to join the management committee). This again can only happen at a General Meeting, annual or otherwise. Honorary Presidents are not compelled to pay membership. They can sit in on any management committee meetings but they are only there observing, advising but they cannot vote. At an Annual General Meeting they have the power to vote, propose etc.

8.                   MANAGEMENT MEETINGS​

  1. A minimum of 1 meeting per calendar month, to be held.
  2. A quorum for each meeting to consist of Chairman or Vice Chairman, Secretary or Assistant Secretary, and five other members of the committee.
  3. The Chairman has the power at any management meeting to have the casting vote in the event of a tie. This is in addition to his vote as a member and also applies to General Meetings, annual or otherwise.
  4. Any member of the management committee who shall have absented him/herself from 4 consecutive meetings without reasonable explanation shall be deemed to have resigned from the committee.
  5. Should any member of the management committee not be "pulling their weight" in the opinion of the committee, the committee have the power to suspend the member from all activities of the management committee.
  6. Should any member of the management committee resign or their position otherwise lapse during the year, the management committee have the power to co-opt from the list of full members.

9.                   TRUSTEES

 As the real property of the club is vested in the GAA, the club cannot sell or mortgage same without the consent of GAA Central Council. In accordance with the Charter and Constitution of the GAA the Club should have a minimum of three trustees from within its membership, and one each from Co. Board and Leinster Council. In the event of any of the club trustees resigning or being expelled from the club, the management committee shall appoint a replacement.
The trustees shall be entitled to deposit the title deeds with the club's bankers by way of Pledge of Security for loans obtained from the clubs purposes when authorized by the management committee of the club to do so.

10.                DEEDS

 The Deeds of the Club shall be held at all times in the club's bank.

11.1: No Member, Officer, Committee Member, Manager or Employee of the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale of excisable liquors therein, or in the profits arising from such sale.

11.2: Except in the case of a group visiting the Club, as provided for by Section 30 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act 2000, a visitor shall not be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club premises unless on the invitation and in the company of a member of the Club, and that such member shall upon the admission of such visitor to the Club Premises or immediately upon his being supplied with such liquor enter his own name and the name and address of the visitor in a book kept for that purpose, and which shall show the date of each visit.

11.3: No excisable liquors shall be sold or supplied for consumption outside the Premises of the Club except to members of the Club between the hours of 8 o'clock in the morning and 10 o'clock at night.

11.4 No excisable liquors shall be sold or supplied on the Club

Premises to any person under eighteen years of age.

11.5 (1) Subject to the exceptions specified in paragraph

(2) Of this Rule, no excisable liquor shall be supplied

For consumption on the Club Premises to any person (other than a member of the Club lodging in the Club Premises) or be consumed on the club premises by any person (other than a member of the Club lodging in the Club Premises) -

(a) At any time on Christmas Day or Good Friday;

(b) On any other day, as specified hereunder, outside the times so specified in respect of it 3RULES

(i) Saint Patrick's Day: between 12.30p.m. And 12.30 a.m. on the following day;

(ii) The 23rd December: if it falls on a Sunday, between 10.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m;

(iii) Christmas Eve and the eve of Good Friday: between

10.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m.;

(iv) The eve of any public holiday (other than Christmas Eve):

(I) if the eve falls on a weekday, between 10.30 a.m. and 12.30 a.m. on the following day, or;

(II) if it falls on a Sunday, between 12.30 p.m. and

12.30 a.m. on the following day;

(v) any other Sunday (except a Saint Patrick's Day which falls on a Sunday): between 12.30 p.m. and 11 p.m.;

(vi) any other Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday: between10.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m.; and

(vii) any other Friday or Saturday: between10.30 a.m. and 12.30 a.m. on the following day.

(1A) The hours specified in paragraph (b) of subsection(1) in respect of any day specified in that paragraph are in addition to the period between midnight and 12.30 a.m. on that day, where that period is included in the hours so specified in respect of the eve of that day.

(1B) In subsection (1), 'public holiday' has the meaning

given to it by the Organisation of Working time Act,


11.6 Nothing contained in the Registration of Clubs Acts, 1904

to 2003 or contained, by virtue only of the operation of

paragraph (1) of this Rule, shall operate to prohibit the supplying for consumption on the Club Premises of excisable

liquor to any person or the consumption of excisable

liquor on the Club premises by any person:

(a) on Christmas Day, between 12.00 midday and 10.00 p.m. or

(b) on any other day, for one hour after the expiration of any period in respect of that day during which it is lawful for the Club, by virtue of subsection (1)

(b), to supply any excisable liquor for consumption on the Club premises. If in each case the excisable liquor is-

(i) ordered by or on behalf of that person at the same time as a substantial meal is ordered, and

(ii) consumed by that person during the meal

or after the meal has ended.

11.7 Any sale, supply and consumption of excisable liquors in

The building or grounds of the Club permitted under the

Intoxicating Liquor Acts or any amendments thereto shall

Be lawful and not a breach of the Rules of this


Alterations and additions to this constitution may be made at any Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose only. Two thirds of the members present, who vote, must be in favour of the alteration or addition before it will be passed.
Members wishing to alter or add to this constitution must send notice to the club's secretary outlining, in writing, the addition or alteration to the said constitution at least 14 days before Annual General Meeting or may do so by requesting a Special General Meeting. The request for this special meeting to be granted upon the approval of the management committee.


The management committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of this constitution and the decision of the committee shall be final.​

Club Lotto